MCT Policy And Operations Manual
In the accomplishment of its goals and objectives, MCT provides funding, capacity-building and technical support to its implementing partners but does not implement projects itself. Guiding and advising implementing agencies on the ground, MCT will act as an agent of change to promote new and innovative ways of thinking, while recognizing the value of traditional methods of natural resource management and encouraging a wider use of such practices.

Environmental & Social Safeguards Policy
The Micronesia Conservation Trust’s (MCT) Environmental and Social (E&S) Safeguards Policy is adopted to ensure that adverse environmental and social impacts are avoided or, when unavoidable, minimized and appropriately mitigated and/or compensated.
Complaints Handling
MCT's complaints handling procedure applies to complaints received in relation to MCT’s procurement exercises and grant funding administration, including the conduct of the procurement and grant funding selection processes or its outcome.