Our Work

Our Programs

The micronesia Conservation trust capacity building program

Livelihoods Programs

The Livelihoods Program, the newest program at MCT, collaborates with partners to provide sustainable, alternative livelihoods to vulnerable communities in the Micronesian region. At present, the Livelihoods Program is supporting two projects: Coconut for Life Project and Solar Mama's Project.

The Capacity Building Program provides organizational and technical capacity-building and training activities for MCT's NGO and government partners, including financial and project management, technical training, and scholarships and internship programs.

Capacity Building


The Conservation Program provides grants and technical assistance to on-the-ground conservation activities across Micronesia with a focus on projects proposed by small local non-governmental organizations (NGO) and community organizations.


Climate Change

Supported by MCT

Community Sub-Grants

The Sub-grants program provides funding and technical support for local initiatives. This group of work supports grassroots-level initiatives by capacitating projects with a mechanism for funding and technical.