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Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator (Pohnpei and Chuuk)


The Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) Coordinators will support the Green Climate Fund (GCF) SAP020 FSM project titled “Climate-resilient food security for farming households across the Federated States of Micronesia” in Chuuk and Pohnpei. The FSL Coordinators are responsible for ensuring links between the the FSM Department of Resources and Development (R&D), SAP020 Project Management Unit (PMU) based in FSM R&D including but not limited to State and local governments, College of Micronesia-FSM, FSM Department of Environment Climate Change, and Emergency Management (DECEM) and as well as for consolidating the project with local authorities and beneficiary communities.

Location: In Pohnpei and Chuuk, FSM Salary: US$20,000 per annum Duration: 3 years


The FSM government project “Climate-resilient food security for farming households across the Federated States of Micronesia” (funded by Green Climate Fund SAP020) is a multi-year project starting in January 2022 and is the first comprehensive national effort to focus on increasing the resilience of FSM’s most vulnerable communities to food insecurity in the face of climate change. The project targets all households in the FSM high islands undertaking some form of farming approximately 68,250 direct beneficiaries (across the FSM) with 63% of HHs conducting some form of agriculture and forestry). The project specifically works to improve technical capacity and coordination for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) planning and policy, support improved decision-making for agriculture through descaled climate information, increase availability, stability, and accessibility of locally grown food for food security, improve nutritional outcomes for vulnerable households, develop new opportunities for income and household productivity, and strengthen climate resilient value chains across the agriculture sector by implementing three interrelated components:

1. Establishing an enabling environment for adaptive action and investment: This includes institutional coordination, undertaking descaled integrated vulnerability assessments, incorporation of climate change into State and national planning and policy, developing a network of farmer associations, and disseminating tailored communications for informed decision-making. These outputs will specifically help to better target adaptation investments based on community-level vulnerabilities, improve technical capacity for climate smart planning and policy, cement political commitment and accountability for CSA, and drive informed decision-making for farmers, all of which will increase the adaptive and anticipatory capacity of FSM and lay the foundation for improved strategic planning for food security and climate resiliency.

2. Enhancing the food security of vulnerable households by introducing CSA practices: This includes establishing agroforestry systems, capacity building for extension agents, awareness building and training for FSM households, and developing reserve capacity for climate disruption. This will increase availability, stability, and accessibility of locally grown food for food security, improve nutritional outcomes for vulnerable households, develop new opportunities for income and household productivity, and drive a national change in awareness and utilization of CSA for improved resiliency.

3. Strengthening climate-resilient value-chains and market linkages across the agriculture sector: This includes the development of new markets for local agriculture, enhanced food processing and preservation, and increasing awareness and consumption of local food). This will strengthen climate resilient value chains across the agriculture sector, improve food security gaps through storage and processing, significantly transform opportunities for improved livelihoods thereby driving increased adaptive capacity, and create a strong incentive framework for local farmers to leverage CSA packages beyond the life of the project to secure a long-term shift towards improved climate resiliency with regards to food security.

Implementing Organization

The Micronesia Conservation Trust (MCT) is the Accredited Entity (AE) for the project and is responsible for supervising the implementation, financial management, evaluation, reporting and closure of the project, as well as having overall fiduciary responsibility for the project. The FSM national government, acting through the Department of R&D and DECEM, as well as COM-FSM will serve as the Executing Entities (EEs). The FSM government and COM-FSM have overall responsibility for the effective delivery of required inputs in order to achieve the expected project outputs. The FSM government is responsible for Component 1 and COM-FSM will be responsible for Components 2 and 3.

Overview of the Role

The FSL Coordinator will be hired as a consultant to manage and oversee the efficient and effective implementation of the project. Under the overall supervision of the Division of Agriculture Assistant Secretary and the GCF SAP020 FSM Food Security Project Manager through the State Food Security Focal Point, the FSL Coordinator will coordinate project activities at the state level between state and local government as well as implementing partners, local organizations, and community beneficiaries to ensure efficient and effective implementation of the project activities. The FSL Coordinator will work on the following tasks to coordinate the implementation of the project:

The FS&L Coordinator position’s main objective is “Output 1.4 Develop a network of farmer associations across the FSM” of the GCF SAP020 Climate-resilient food security for farming households across the Federated States of Micronesia”.

  • Establish and support State-level farmers’ associations in communities to include both women and men

  • Coordinate training on Climate Smart Agriculture

  • Provide information related to climate change impacts and risks

  • Organize a central farmers’ market

  • Support the development of sustainable seed banks and nurseries

  • Set up and license the State-level farmers’ association

  • Support the development of a business plan,

  • Coordinate training on financial management

  • Coordinate training on leadership, management, and capacity building as well as technical training for association leaders

  • Create a forum and practice for knowledge sharing and innovation exchange with the other state-level farmers’ association

  • Organize and register participatory guarantee system (PGS) groups

    Relatively, the Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) Coordinator will:

  1. Support and report directly to both the State Focal Point and FSM R&D

  2. Liaise and follow up with the responsible parties for implementation of project activities in matters related to project funds and financial progress reports.

  3. Assist the Project Manager in day-to-day management and oversight of project activities;

  4. Provide objective input to progress reports;

  5. Coordinate the flow of procurement requests and supporting documentation between

    PMU and state local partners in line with MCT’s Procurement Policy and Project

    Procurement Plan;

  6. Ensure all project documentation (progress reports, consulting and other technical reports, minutes of meetings, etc.) are properly maintained in hard and electronic copies in an efficient and readily accessible filing system, for the state coordination Mechanism, Project management Unit and Accredited Entity (MCT).

  7. Assist with local technical inputs for the work plan and budget to ensure State activities are technically sound and respond to local food security priorities and contexts;

  8. Coordinate local consultations or meetings with stakeholders;

  9. Follow-up on the activities of consultants and experts for the project at the state level;

  10. Coordinate local consultations or meetings with stakeholders.

  11. Participate in M&E exercises to appraise project success and make recommendations for modifications to the project;

  12. Work with project partners in finding solutions for technical issues that might arise during the project implementation;

  13. Represent the Project at meetings and other project-related within the State, as needed

  14. Assist and organize meetings, arrange conferences and other activities pertaining to the

    State, as required;

  15. Participate in the development of the state’s work plans and the annual budget as well as implementation;

  16. Promote collaboration and knowledge exchange between local organizations/farmer


Desired Qualifications

  • A university degree (Bachelor or higher) OR 2-year college degree with at least 2 years relevant experience:

    • University degree: in a subject related to agronomy, veterinary, socio-economic, sustainable development, anthropology, geography, international development, agriculture, other related subject preferred

    • 2-year college degree with at least 2 years relevant experience: in agriculture, natural resource management and/or sustainable development; demonstrable project/progr0amme management experience; and working with government institutions that are concerned with natural resource and/or environmental management and/or sustainable development

  • Familiarity with agriculture, agroforestry, food-security, climate change, climate-smart agriculture, etc. is a plus

  • Experience working and engaging with various stakeholder groups, particularly with government departments, NGOs, civil society groups, etc.

  • Proficient at preparing reports, giving presentations and creating other communication

    materials in English and the local language

  • Strong coordination skills, experience working with and leading a wide range of stakeholders across various sectors and at all levels and an ability to create and maintain durable partnerships

  • Experience in project management including budgeting, procurement and file keeping.

  • Strong computer skills including use of MS Office tools, virtual meeting platforms, and effective communications via email.

  • Flexibility in working schedule, including willingness to work evenings and on weekends when needed and a willingness to travel as required.


US$20,000 per annum

To Apply:

Please provide:

• Letter of Interest
• Resume
• A completed FSM Government Employment Application

Send to: (Electronic submissions preferred) Jo Lynne G. Mori
SAP020 Task Manager
Micronesia Conservation Trust

P.O. Box 2177
Pohnpei, FM 96941 and cc copy and with the subject line “[Last Name], [First Name] – Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator GCF SAP020”.

August 26

BPM Program Coordinator

February 20

MCT Grants Manager